In loving memory of Anh Nghia T. Pham 06/26/1958 - 03:17AM 07/02/2022
Project: Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Ethnic Minority Children Of Central Highlands. Bon NJANG BO - DakNong. Public used

Funded: 04/18/2024 
Scheduled Date: 04/19/2024

Completion Date: TBD

In loving memory of Anh Nghia T. Pham 06/26/1958 - 03:17AM 07/02/2022
Project: Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Ethnic Minority Children Of Central Highlands. Elementary School: Ea Lũh Thôn:6 - Nghĩa Hưng -Chư Păh - Gia Lai, count;120 children, Teachers:6 Tổng số hộ dân :147 hộ dân tộc Xê Đăng Tổng 574 người.

Funded: 04/12/2024 
Scheduled Date: 04/12/2024

Completion Date: 04/21/2024

In loving memory of Anh Nghia T. Pham 06/26/1958 - 03:17AM 07/02/2022
Project: Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Ethnic Minority Children Of Central Highlands. Làng Pang, xã Ia Grai, huyện Chư Sê, Gia Lai (128 families, 602 members count) - Public use.

Funded: 03/21/2024 
Scheduled Date: 03/22/2024

Completion Date: 04/11/2024

In loving memory of Anh Nghia T. Pham 06/26/1958 - 03:17AM 07/02/2022
Project: Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Ethnic Minority Children Of Central Highlands. Làng JUT, xã IA Phí, huyện Chư PẢH, Gia Lai (245families, 657 members count) - Public use.

Scheduled Date: 2/20/2024

Completion Date: 03/15/2024

In loving memory of Anh Nghia T. Pham 06/26/1958 - 03:17AM 07/02/2022
Project: Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Ethnic Minority Children Of Central Highlands. Giao Xu Hieu Nghia, 23/5/7 Van Kiếp, Tô 4, Phường Thống Nhất, Gia Lai

Scheduled Date: 10/02/2023

Completion Date: 10/22/2023

In loving memory of Anh Nghia T. Pham 06/26/1958 - 03:17AM 07/02/2022
Project: Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Ethnic Minority Children Of Central Highlands. Làng Pang, Xã IA Grai, Huyện Chư Sê, Gia Lai

Scheduled Date: 08/01/2023

Completion Date: 08/20/2023

In loving memory of Anh Nghia T. Pham 06/26/1958 - 03:17AM 07/02/2022
Project: Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Ethnic Minority Children Of Central Highlands. Làng Nhon Phu, Xã IA Grai, Huyện Chư Sê, Gia Lai

Scheduled Date: 02/15/2023

Completion Date: 03/20/2023

In loving memory of Anh Nghia T. Pham 06/26/1958 - 03:17AM 07/02/2022
Project: Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Ethnic Minority Children Of Central Highlands. Làng , Xã , Huyện Dak Doa, Gia Lai

Scheduled Date: 01/03/2023

Completion Date: 01/15/2023

In loving memory of Anh Nghia T. Pham 06/26/1958 - 03:17AM 07/02/2022
Project: Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Ethnic Minority Children Of Central Highlands. LÀNG PANG ÚT XÃ IABĂ HUYỆN IA GRAI TỈNH GIA LAI

Scheduled Date: 8/20/2022

Completion Date: 09/15/2022

In loving memory of Anh Nghia T. Pham 06/26/1958 - 03:17AM 07/02/2022
Project: Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Ethnic Minority Of Central Highlands- Public Used Wells for Hoa Hong Elementary School, Truong Xuan, Dak Song, Dak Nong 

Scheduled: 7/15/2022

Completion Date: 8/14/2022

In loving memory of Anh Nghia T. Pham 06/26/1958 - 03:17AM 07/02/2022
Project: Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Ethnic Minority Children Of Central Highlands. Làng Tang Xã IA Chia, Huyện IA Grai, Tỉnh Gia Lai, Public Used.

Scheduled Date: 7/15/2022

Completion Date: 8/10/2022

Project: Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Ethnic Minority Children Of Central Highlands. Village Ealuh Sedang, Xã : Nghĩa Hưng, Huyện : Chưpăh, Tỉnh Gia Lai , Public Used.

Scheduled Date: Feb 25th, 2022
Completion Date: April 26th, 2022

Projects: Replace Concrete Slab Bridge - Binh An 1-2 Phung Ngoai, Luong Phu, Giong Trom - Bentre 

Project Funded
Completed: 03/20/2022
For a safer route

Project: Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Ethnic Minority Children Of Central Highlands. Village La Kha, xã La To, huyện La Grai, Gia Lai. Public Used.

Scheduled Date: July 25th, 2021
Completion Date: August 5th, 2021

Project: Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Ethnic Minority Children Of Central Highlands. xã Đăk Sơmei, huyện Đăk Đoa, Gia Lai. Public Used Shared to 4 Villages.

Scheduled Date: May 15th, 2021
Completion Date: July 7th, 2021

Hong Pham
Mon 4/26/2021 5:31 AM
Em chào anh Khôi
Anh Khôi, em đang muốn làm thêm một cái giếng nữa cũng trong vùng Dăk Sơmay luôn, nhưng nguyên một vùng này có tới 4 làng dân tộc, mỗi làng cách nhau khoảng 5,6 trăm mét, cả vùng này hiện nay không có một cái giếng nước nào, bà con đi gùi nước từ rất xa, dân địa phương ở đây nói khu vực rất nhiều đá garnet ngầm trong lòng đất cho nên khoan giếng rất nhiều tiền, vì không phải khoan thường mà họ phải dùng máy lực ép cho những tảng đá ngầm vỡ ra, tính chi phí cho một cái giếng ở vùng này vào khoảng 70 đến 80 triệu một cái giếng, chưa tính bồn chứa nước. Em muốn tham khảo ý kiến của anh, chi phí cho một cái giếng với giá này anh có giúp không? Nếu anh giúp thì em sẽ lên phương án cụ thể gởi cho anh. Còn số tiền anh mới gởi về thì khoảng 4 ngày nữa là em cho khoan giếng mới vì máy đang bận. Cảm ơn anh đã thương chia sẻ với bà con vùng sâu nghèo khổ. Xin Chúa luôn ghé mắt nhìn và trông xem gia đình anh.
Kính Nt.
A Phạm Thị Hồng.

From: Di Pham Hi <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 7, 2021 8:06 PM
To: Khoi Hua <>
Subject: Giếng nước
Chào anh Khôi,
Giếng nước đã hoàn thành, em mới đi bàn giao vào sáng hôm qua, bà con trong làng rất vui, từ nay không phải đi hứng từng giọt nước trong chân núi xa xôi, gùi từng bình nước còng lưng. Từ nay bà con đã có nước sạch sinh hoạt, tắm giặt thoải mái, không còn sợ ô nhiễm, ngứa ghẻ lở nữa. Cảm ơn anh đã quan tâm đến bà con nghèo nơi quên hương mình. Nguyện xin Chúa luôn gìn giữ và ban sức khỏe để anh vẫn tiếp tục giúp đỡ những mảnh đời lầm than thiếu thốn, ăn bữa rau bữa cháo. Mừng và quý lắm tấm lòng hảo tâm của anh và quý ân nhân, lời cảm ơn nào cho cùng, hằng ngày thầm cầu xin cho anh và gia đình cũng như quý ân nhân mạnh khỏe, bằng an trong Chúa. xin Chúa trả công bội hậu cho anh và quý ân nhân.
Em A. Phạm Thị Hồng

Project: Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Ethnic Minority Children Of Central Highlands. Bế Văn Đàn Elementary School, xã Quảng Hòa, Đăk Glong, Đăk Nông. 431 Children

Scheduled Date: May 15th, 2021
Completion Date: May 29th, 2021

Trường tiểu học Bế Văn Đàn, xã Quảng Hòa, Đăk Glong, Đăk Nông

Project: Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Ethnic Minority Children Of Central Highlands. Bon Pu Pah of Dak Nong's Public Used for 15 Families Site #2

Scheduled Date: April 23rd, 2021
Completion date: May 29th, 2021

Bon Bu Pah public used 2nd site

Project: Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Ethnic Minority Children Of Central Highlands. xã Đăk Sơmei, huyện Đăk Đoa, Gia Lai. Public Used for 76 Families.

Scheduled Date: May 1st, 2021
Completed Date: May11th, 2021

Chào anh Khôi
Em đang làm một cái giếng dở dang kinh phí do mỗi người góp chút, cộng thêm 200 tháng 4 anh gởi coi như hoàn thành cái giếng mà em gởi hình qua cho anh đấy. Bây giờ em đang tính làm một cái giếng nữa ở trong làng, thuộc: làng Đăk Sơmei, xã Đăk Sơmei, huyện Đăk Đoa, Gia Lai Làng này có 76 hộ gia đình, họ sống ven vách núi, kiểu bầy đàn, vẫn còn lạc hậu lắm. phụ nữ cứ gọi là đẻ hết trứng, có bao nhiêu để bấy nhiêu, cho nên vô làng là thấy trẻ con nhiều hơn người lớn. Ở đây có điện và có người quản lý nên em muốn làm một cái giếng có đặt bồn nước cho bà con đến lấy. Dự tính cho một cái giếng :
1. khoan giếng : 30.000.000đ (ba mươi triệu)
2. 1 bồn nước 1000 lít : 4.200.000đ (bốn triệu hai trăm ngàn)
3. chân để bồn nước : 3.500.000đ (ba triệu năm trăm ngàn đồng)
4. công hàn chân bồn : 2000.000đ (hai triệu đồng)
5. ống nước bắt lên bồn : 1000.000đ (một triệu đồng) Tổng cộng : 40.700.000đ ( bốn mươi triệu bảy trăm ngàn đồng)
Anh xem có giúp được không cho em biết nha.
Xin Chúa trả công và ban cho anh và gia đình anh luôn mạnh khoẻ, bằng an mọi sự. Em cảm ơn anh.
Kính Em A. Phạm Thị Hồng.

Project: Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Ethnic Minority Children Of Central Highlands. Bon Pu Pah of Dak Nong's Public Used for 15 Families Site #1.

Scheduled: April 8th, 2021.
Completed Date: April 21st, 2021

Locate in Bon Pu Pah, there is an area of 15 families in need of clean drinking water.  For the public used, we went with double water storage tank and without the filtering system. It works.

Project: Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Ethnic Minority Children Of Central Highlands. Bon Pu Pah of Dak Nong's 3 Sites with Filtering System.

Scheduled Date: April 8th, 2021
Completed Date: April 21st, 2021

These 3 elementary schools already have water wells, we added water filtering system to each site to improve their clean drinking water.

Project: Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Ethnic Minority Children Of Central Highlands.
On Going Projects for 2021 Using Bon Pu Pah of Dak Nong's Proven Successful Model

It’s proven successful with the last 4 projects in Bon Bu Pah, Bon Ta Mung, Thon10 of Dak Nong and Plei Teng of Gia Lai, our plan is to expand this model for clean drinking water to other similar villages in Dak Nong, including Gia Lai and Kon Tum so we can continue to provide this region with unlimited access to clean running water. The GoFundMe fundraising is created to fund of at least 20 sites project wish list for the entire 2021 year. I understand we are all in this pandemic hard time, but I hope that you can help to bring about the changes for the marginalized and ethic minority children of these 20 sites (800 children) with the average of 40 child/each.

GoFundMe Fundraising Event for 2021

Dak Nong, Gia Lai, Kontum are provinces of Vietnam, located in the country’s Central Highlands. Located there, in the villages of minority, are elementary school serving children who do not have access to clean and safe drinking water. Currently, contaminated rain water is collected at the school in buckets, or each morning, the children will carry their buckets ½ mile to the nearest stream and collect water for their daily use. A water well located and managed locally at the elementary school, would provide access to cleaner and safer drinking water for these children, for this generation and future generations. Potentially, this well could also serve the families in the surrounding village.

Plei Teng - Gia Lai Clean Drinking Water Project For 30 Children Scheduled Start Date: 11/15/2020
Completion Date: 12/15/2020

Gia Lai is a province of Vietnam, located in the country’s Central Highlands. Located there, in the village of Tan Son, is a school serving approximately 30 children who do not have access to clean and safe drinking water. Currently, contaminated rain water is collected at the school in buckets, or each morning, the caregivers will carry their buckets mile to the nearest lake to collect water for their daily use. A water well located and managed locally at the school, would provide access to cleaner and safer drinking water for these children, for this generation and future generations.

Bring Clean Drinking Water to Children of Gia Lai

Tan Son School Water Source

Tan Son School Road to the Water Source

Children Of Gia Lai Food Source

Children Of Gia Lai Food Source

Children Of Gia Lai

Children Of Gia Lai

Children Of Gia Lai's caregiver

Sleeping Area

Water Container in use now

Children of Gia Lai at Play

Children of Gia Lai at Play

Wells Drilling Equipment At Site

Wells Drilling Equipment At Site

Water Storage Tank

Wells Drilling Equipment At Site

Water Storage Tank

Water Storage Tank

Strike The Water after 22 days



Thon 10 - Dak Nong Clean Drinking Water Project For 44 Children
Scheduled Start Date: 10/15/2020
Completed: 10/29/2020

Dak Nong is a province of Vietnam, located in the country’s Central Highlands. Located there, in the village of Thon 10, is an elementary school serving approximately 44 children who do not have access to clean and safe drinking water. Currently, contaminated rain water is collected at the school in buckets, or each morning, the children will carry their buckets ½ mile to the nearest stream and collect water for their daily use. A water well located and managed locally at the elementary school, would provide access to cleaner and safer drinking water for these children, for this generation and future generations.

Thon 10 - Dak Nong Wells Drilling Contract

Thon 10 Wells Drilling Contract

Thon 10 - Children Get Their Daily Water Usage

Contaminated rain water is collected at the school in buckets, or each morning, the children will carry their buckets ½ mile to the nearest stream and collect water for their daily use

Thon 10 - Children Get Their Daily Water Usage

Contaminated rain water is collected at the school in buckets, or each morning, the children will carry their buckets ½ mile to the nearest stream and collect water for their daily use

Thon 10 - Children Mostly Are H’Mong Ethnic Groups

Thon 10 - Children Mostly Are H’Mong Ethnic Groups

Thon 10 - Equipment is on site 10/20/2020. 

Thon 10 - Equipment is on site 10/20/2020.

Thon 10 - Equipment is on site 10/20/2020.

Thon 10 - Equipment is on site 10/20/2020.

Thon 10 - The work has begun - Day 3 10/22/2020

Thon 10 - The work has begun - Day 3 10/22/2020

Thon 10 - The work has begun - Day 3 10/22/2020

Thon 10 - The work has begun - Day 3 10/22/2020

Thon 10 - The work has begun - Day 3 10/22/2020

Thon 10 - The work has begun - Day 3 10/22/2020

Thon 10 - The work has begun - Day 7 - Strike the water

Thon 10 - The work has begun - Day 7 - Strike the water

Thon 10, Water Storage Tank Is In 10/28/2020

Thon 10, Water Storage Tank Is In 10/28/2020

Thon 10, Water Purifier Is In 10/28/2020

Thon 10, Water Purifier Is In 10/28/2020

Thon 8 - Truong Xuan Dak Nong Clean Drinking Water Project - Water Purifier
Scheduled Start Date:  9/27/2020
Completion Date: 10/5/2020

Dak Nong is a province of Vietnam, located in the country’s Central Highlands. Located there, in the village of Thon 8, is an elementary school serving approximately 44 children who do not have access to clean and safe drinking water. Currently, contaminated rain water is collected at the school in buckets, or each morning, the children will carry their buckets ½ mile to the nearest stream and collect water for their daily use. A water well located and managed locally at the elementary school, would provide access to cleaner and safer drinking water for these children, for this generation and future generations.

Thon 8 Elementary School Children

We scheduled to deliver new supplies to them on 9/27/2020

Thon 8 much needed supplies delivered 9/27/2020

Much needed supplies delivered 9/27/2020. Sleeping Pads, others ...

Thon 8 Elementary School Children

Sleeping on Pads

Thon 8 Elementary School Water Purifier - Thien An 01

Thon 8 Elementary School Water Purifier - Thien An 01 - to support 40 school age children

Bon Ta Mung Dak Nong Clean Drinking Water Project For 44 Children - Scheduled Start Date: 9/28/2020
Completion Date: 10/12/2020

Dak Nong is a province of Vietnam, located in the country’s Central Highlands. Located there, in the village of Bon Ta Mung, is an elementary school serving approximately 44 children who do not have access to clean and safe drinking water. Currently, contaminated rain water is collected at the school in buckets, or each morning, the children will carry their buckets ½ mile to the nearest stream and collect water for their daily use. A water well located and managed locally at the elementary school, would provide access to cleaner and safer drinking water for these children, for this generation and future generations.

Bon Ta Mung Wells Project Contract

Bon Ta Mung elementary school clean drinking water project to support 44 school children

Bon Ta Mung Elementary School of 44 Children

Bon Ta Mung Elementary School of 44 Children

Bon Ta Mung Wells Project Has Begun 9/28/2020

Bon Ta Mung Project Has Begun 9/28/2020​​​​​​​. We expect this one will have 100 meters (300ft) deep

Bon Ta Mung Wells Project Day 8

Bon Ta Mung Project Day 8, water storage tank is in, Thien-An 02, awaiting for water purifier

Bon Ta Mung Wells Project Day 8

Bon Ta Mung Project Day 8, almost strike the water.

Bon Ta Mung Wells Project Day 8

Bon Ta Mung Project Day 8, water storage tank is in, Thien-An 02, awaiting for water purifier

Bon Ta Mung Wells Project Day 10

Bon Ta Mung Project Day 10, water storage tank is in, Thien-An 02,  water purifier is in.  44 children of Bon Ta Mung have clean drinking water for their daily usage

Bon Ta Mung Wells Project Day 12 - Completed

Bon Ta Mung Project Day 12, water storage tank is in, Thien-An 02, water purifier is in. 44 children of Bon Ta Mung have clean drinking water for their daily usage

Bon Ta Mung Wells Project Day 12 - Completed

Bon Ta Mung Project Day 12, water storage tank is in, Thien-An 02, water purifier is in. 44 children of Bon Ta Mung have clean drinking water for their daily usage

Bon Ta Mung Wells Project Day 12 - Completed

Bon Ta Mung Project Day 12, water storage tank is in, Thien-An 02, water purifier is in. 44 children of Bon Ta Mung have clean drinking water for their daily usage

Bon Bu Pah Clean Drinking Water Project  Start Date: 9/11/2020
Completion Date: 9/26/2020

The visit to Bu Pah Elementary school

Bu Pah's School Children

Bringing supplies to school children

Bu Pah's School Children

Bringing supplies to school children

Bu Pah's School Children

Children are no longer sleeping on the bare floor

Bu Pah's School Children

Each morning, the children will carry their buckets ½ mile to the nearest stream and collect water for their daily use

Bu Pah's Elementary School

A water well located and managed locally at the elementary school, would provide access to cleaner and safer drinking water for these children, for this generation and future generations.

Bu Pah's Elementary School

A water well located and managed locally at the elementary school, would provide access to cleaner and safer drinking water for these children, for this generation and future generations.

Bu Pah's Elementary School

Water storage tank 2000 liters (528Gal)

Bu Pah's Elementary School

Water storage tank 2000 liters (528Gal). They strike the water after 3 days of drilling

Bu Pah's Elementary School

Clean and purified water inside the classroom of 40 children of Bu Pah

Bon Bu Pah Wells Drilling Project Contract

Bon Bu Pah elementary school clean drinking water project to support 40 school children

Day 12 

Bon Bu Pah elementary school clean drinking water project to support 40 school children. The final depth is 97metres (281ft deep)

Bu Pah's School Children

Currently, contaminated rain water is collected at the school in buckets for their daily use

Transferring Ceremony 9/26/2020

Transferring of ownership, operation, and maintenance to its school staffs and its local government ceremony 9/26/2020

Transferring Ceremony 9/26/2020

Transferring of ownership, operation, and maintenance to its school staffs and its local government ceremony 9/26/2020 

Transferring Ceremony 9/26/2020

Transferring of ownership, operation, and maintenance to its school staffs and its local government ceremony 9/26/2020

Bu Pah Water Purifier

Bu Pah Water Purifier inside classroom

Bu Pah Water Storage Tank

Bu Pah Water Storage Tank

Transferring Ceremony 9/26/2020

Transferring of ownership, operation, and maintenance to its school staffs and its local government ceremony 9/26/2020

Bring Clean Drinking Water To The Children Of Dak Nong

Dak Nong is a province of Vietnam, located in the country’s Central Highlands. Located there, in the village of Bu Pah, is an elementary school serving approximately 40 children who do not have access to clean and safe drinking water. Currently, contaminated rain water is collected at the school in buckets, or each morning, the children will carry their buckets ½ mile to the nearest stream and collect water for their daily use. A water well located and managed locally at the elementary school, would provide access to cleaner and safer drinking water for these children, for this generation and future generations. Potentially, this well could also serve the 289 families in the surrounding village.
Objective: Raise $2500.00 (lowered from the original goal of $3200), to fund the building of the well and accompanying filtration system, so children and families can have local access to cleaner and safer drinking water.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Where in Dak Nong will we be building this well? The village of Bu Pah, within the site of the elementary school of 40 children.
How much will it cost to build this well? In America, drilling a well costs $5,500 for an average depth of 150 feet. Most projects range between $1,500 and $12,000. However, in Dak Nong, it would only cost roughly $1,500-$1,800 USD to build a well, plus an estimated $900-$1000 USD to add a much needed filtration system. Breakdown of components:
1. Water Pump
2. Pipe
3. Rope
4. Stone made surroundings
5. Electricity wire
6. Drilling labor
7. 2000 liters water tank (about 528 gallons)
8. Filtration system
Total: $2500 (lowered from the original goal of $3200), +/- cost for local laborers/components
How long will it take to build this well? In America, depending on drilling conditions, drilling a well typically takes 1-2 days, and the pump system installation takes about another day, and can be done at any time after the well is drilled. In Dak Nong, it will take about 10-14 days to complete the well.
What type of well are we going to build? This will be an electric pump water well. The well will primarily service the children in the local elementary school, but should also be able to supply clean water to families in the nearby village.
How will The Hua Foundation raise funds for building this well? Here at The Hua Foundation, we will be using this Go-Fund platform to raise funds to cover the cost of the well.
Note: Please take into consideration that a processing fee of 2.9% plus $0.30 fee per donation is applied on GoFundMe. All funds raised will be withdrawn & documented periodically and sent in a safe and secure manner using Western Union Wire Transfer to our advisory council in Vietnam.
What is the future of this project? Once proven successful, our plan is to expand this model for clean drinking water to other similar villages in Dak Nong (including Gia Lai and Kon Tum) so we can continue to provide this region with unlimited access to clean running water.
With that being said, we ask you humbly to join our journey and help us reach our goal to nourish a soul. You can start by sharing this page with family & friends! Thank you in advance.
For any questions/concerns or more information, feel free to follow us on our official social media platforms!
Khoi D. Hua
The Hua Foundation

Binh An-04 Monkey Bridge Replacement Project Scheduled Start Date 6/1/2021
Completed: 12/03/2021

Our latest and best photos

We love to take pictures and show them to the world.

Binh An-03 Monkey Bridge Replacement Project Scheduled Start Date 9/18/2020 - The Work Has Begun Completed: 11/22/2020

Scheduled start 9/18/2020 - The work has begun. Completed: 11/22/2020

Ben Tre Province is located 85 km South of Ho Chi Minh City in the Mekong River Delta. It lies below Tien Giang Province to the north, Vinh Long to the west, and Tra Vinh to the south. Ben Tre is nestled between two main branches of the Mekong’s largest tributary, which diverges to create a fertile agricultural region. This topography create a difficulty for children walking from one place to another, especially for them to go to school. These unsafe manner of monkey bridge is a challenge for all ages not only for children alone. The Hua Foundation is working with the local government to replace these monkey bridges with the concrete slab, stable, and safer.

Replaced Monkey Bridge with Slab Concrete Bridge in Son Hoa - Ben Tre - South Viet Nam - Completed 8/29/2020

Ben Tre Province is located 85 km South of Ho Chi Minh City in the Mekong River Delta. It lies below Tien Giang Province to the north, Vinh Long to the west, and Tra Vinh to the south. Ben Tre is nestled between two main branches of the Mekong’s largest tributary, which diverges to create a fertile agricultural region. This topography create a difficulty for children walking from one place to another, especially for them to go to school. Located there, in the village of Son Hoa, Son Phu there is a monkey bridge 15 meters in length, the unsafe manner of monkey bridge is a challenge for all ages not only for children alone. The Hua Foundation worked with the local government to replaced these monkey bridges with the concrete slab, stable, and safer.

Binh An-01 Bridge

Son Hoa's Monkey Bridge

Children walk on these monkey bridge to school​​​​​​​

Binh An Bridge 45ftx6ft

Replaced with concrete slab bridge 15 meters x 2 meters (45ftx 6ft)

Binh An Bridge 8/29/2020

Ceremony of Binh An bridge completion date 8/29/2020  ​​​​​​​(45ftx6ft)

Binh An Bridge 8/29/2020

Ceremony of Binh An bridge completion date 8/29/2020 ​​​​​​​(45ftx6ft)

Binh An Bridge 8/29/2020

Ceremony of Binh An bridge completion date 8/29/2020 ​​​​​​​(45ftx6ft)